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Define iteration-based modules.


    iteration_optimizer: Callable = torch.optim.SGD,
    iteration_scheduler: Optional[Callable] = None,
    iteration_lr: float = 1.0,
    it_optim_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    it_sched_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    iteration_projection: Optional[Callable] = None,
    **kwargs: Optional[Callable]

Bases: IterationModule

A specialization of IterationModule where the iteration is derived from a loss function.

This creates an optimizer in the pre_iteration(), then for each iteration runs backward() on the output from iteration_loss() and steps the optimizer. This is followed by an optional projection step; see iteration_projection below. Note that projection is a very simple way of enforcing constraints, and might not work well with adaptive step optimizers.

The constructor has options for choosing the optimizer to use, as well as for an optional learning-rate scheduler; see below.

Functions to implement:

  • iteration_loss(*args, **kwargs) should return the loss; the output is stored in self.last_iteration_loss as a number (i.e. item() is called on the tensor output from iteration_loss())
  • iteration_parameters() should return a list of parameters to be optimized during the iteration.

Note that typically the iteration_parameters() should not be included in the module's parameters(), but should potentially be saved as part of the state_dict, so it is recommended that they be registered as buffers.

The optimization and scheduling features of the class can be used in combination with manually calculated gradients by overriding

iteration_set_gradients(*args, **kwargs)

Module constructor:


  • iteration_optimizer (Callable, default: SGD ) –

    optimizer to use for forward iteration; e.g., torch.optim.SGD

  • iteration_scheduler (Optional[Callable], default: None ) –

    scheduler to use (if any) for forward iteration; e.g., torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR

  • iteration_lr (float, default: 1.0 ) –

    learning rate for forward iteration; this is a shortcut that overrides any potential learning rate from it_optim_kwargs

  • it_optim_kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], default: None ) –

    dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the optimizer

  • it_sched_kwargs (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], default: None ) –

    dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the scheduler

  • iteration_projection (Optional[Callable], default: None ) –

    optional projection to perform after each optimizer step; this should be a callable that will be applied to each element of self.iteration_parameters() (e.g., torch.nn.functional.relu)

  • kwargs

    other keyword arguments are passed to IterationModule

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def __init__(
    iteration_optimizer: Callable = torch.optim.SGD,  # type: ignore
    iteration_scheduler: Optional[Callable] = None,
    iteration_lr: float = 1.0,
    it_optim_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    it_sched_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    iteration_projection: Optional[Callable] = None,
) -> None:
    """Module constructor:

    :param iteration_optimizer: optimizer to use for forward iteration; e.g.,
    :param iteration_scheduler: scheduler to use (if any) for forward iteration;
        e.g., `torch.optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR`
    :param iteration_lr: learning rate for forward iteration; this is a shortcut
        that overrides any potential learning rate from `it_optim_kwargs`
    :param it_optim_kwargs: dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the optimizer
    :param it_sched_kwargs: dictionary of keyword arguments to pass to the scheduler
    :param iteration_projection: optional projection to perform after each optimizer
        step; this should be a callable that will be applied to each element of
        `self.iteration_parameters()` (e.g., `torch.nn.functional.relu`)
    :param kwargs: other keyword arguments are passed to `IterationModule`

    self.it_construct_optim = iteration_optimizer
    self.it_construct_sched = iteration_scheduler

    self.it_optim_kwargs = it_optim_kwargs if it_optim_kwargs is not None else {}
    self.it_optim_kwargs.setdefault("lr", iteration_lr)

    self.it_sched_kwargs = it_sched_kwargs if it_sched_kwargs is not None else {}

    self.iteration_optimizer: torch.optim.Optimizer = None  # type: ignore
    self.iteration_scheduler: Optional[torch.optim.lr_scheduler.LRScheduler] = None

    self.iteration_projection = iteration_projection

    self.last_iteration_loss = None


iteration(*args, **kwargs)

Run one iteration.

This calculates the gradients using self.iteration_set_gradients(), then steps the optimizer and scheduler (if any), and finally projects the result using self.iteration_projection.

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def iteration(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Run one iteration.

    This calculates the gradients using `self.iteration_set_gradients()`, then steps
    the optimizer and scheduler (if any), and finally projects the result using
    self.iteration_set_gradients(*args, **kwargs)

    if self.iteration_scheduler is not None:

    if self.iteration_projection is not None:
        with torch.no_grad():
            for param in self.iteration_parameters():
       = self.iteration_projection(


iteration_loss(*args, **kwargs)

Loss function used for the iteration.

Abstract method, has to be implemented by descendants. (Alternatively, iteration_set_gradients() can be overridden to avoid calling iteration_loss() altogether.)

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def iteration_loss(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Loss function used for the iteration.

    Abstract method, has to be implemented by descendants. (Alternatively,
    `iteration_set_gradients()` can be overridden to avoid calling `iteration_loss()`
    raise NotImplementedError(
        f"Module [{type(self).__name__}] is missing the required "
        f'"iteration_loss" function'


iteration_parameters() -> (
    List[Union[torch.Tensor, nn.Module]]

Return list of iteration parameters.

Abstract method, has to be implemented by descendants.

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def iteration_parameters(self) -> List[Union[torch.Tensor, nn.Module]]:
    """Return list of iteration parameters.

    Abstract method, has to be implemented by descendants.
    raise NotImplementedError(
        f"Module [{type(self).__name__}] is missing the required "
        f'"iteration_parameters" function'


iteration_set_gradients(*args, **kwargs)

Calculate gradients for the iteration.

This uses a backward pass on the result from iteration_loss(). Override as needed to process the gradients before using in the optimizer.

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def iteration_set_gradients(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Calculate gradients for the iteration.

    This uses a backward pass on the result from `iteration_loss()`. Override as
    needed to process the gradients before using in the optimizer.

    loss = self.iteration_loss(*args, **kwargs)

    self.last_iteration_loss = loss.item()


post_iteration(*args, **kwargs) -> Any

Post-iteration processing.

This sets requires_grad to False for the iteration_parameters() and to whatever it was before the iteration for the parameters().

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def post_iteration(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
    """Post-iteration processing.

    This sets `requires_grad` to `False` for the `iteration_parameters()` and to
    whatever it was before the iteration for the `parameters()`.
    # reset: no grad for iteration parameters...
    for param in self.iteration_parameters():
    # ...and reset grad for the others
    for param, old_state in zip(self.parameters(), self._pre_requires_grad_state):

    return super().post_iteration(*args, **kwargs)


pre_iteration(*args, **kwargs)

Pre-iteration processing.

This sets requires_grad to True for the iteration_parameters() and to False for the parameters(). It also generates an optimizer and a scheduler, if one is requested.

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def pre_iteration(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Pre-iteration processing.

    This sets `requires_grad` to `True` for the `iteration_parameters()` and to
    `False` for the `parameters()`. It also generates an optimizer and a scheduler,
    if one is requested.
    super().pre_iteration(*args, **kwargs)

    # iteration parameters require grad...
    for param in self.iteration_parameters():
    # ...but other parameters don't
    grad_state = []
    for param in self.parameters():
    self._pre_requires_grad_state = grad_state

    self.iteration_optimizer = self.it_construct_optim(
        self.iteration_parameters(), **self.it_optim_kwargs

    if self.it_construct_sched is not None:
        self.iteration_scheduler = self.it_construct_sched(
            self.iteration_optimizer, **self.it_sched_kwargs


IterationModule(max_iterations: int = 1000, **kwargs: int)

Bases: Module

A module where the forward pass is called iteratively.

The forward() method calls self.iteration() iteratively, until either a maximum number of steps is reached, or self.converged() is true. Any arguments passed to forward() are passed along:

self.iteration(*args, **kwargs)

When done iterating, forward() returns the output from self.post_iteration(). The methods self.pre_iteration() and self.post_iteration() can also be used to perform any necessary pre- and post-processing, as they are called before the first iteration and after the last, respectively. They are passed the arguments passed to forward():

self.pre_iteration(*args, **kwargs)
self.post_iteration(*args, **kwargs)

By default, these do nothing and return nothing.

Module constructor:


  • max_iterations (int, default: 1000 ) –

    maximum number of iteration() calls in one forward pass

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def __init__(self, max_iterations: int = 1000, **kwargs):
    """Module constructor:

    :param max_iterations: maximum number of `iteration()` calls in one forward pass
    self.max_iterations = max_iterations
    self.hooks = defaultdict(list)
    self.iteration_idx = -1


converged(*args, **kwargs) -> bool

Check whether the iteration converged.

Always returns false. Override in descendants as needed.

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def converged(self, *args, **kwargs) -> bool:
    """Check whether the iteration converged.

    Always returns false. Override in descendants as needed.
    return False


forward(*args, **kwargs) -> Any

Forward pass.

This sets up the iteration using self.pre_iteration(), then runs at most self.max_iterations calls to self.iteration, checking for self.converged() for every iteration, and finally obtains the return value by calling self.post_iteration().

All positional and keyword arguments are passed to all of the calls.

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def forward(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
    """Forward pass.

    This sets up the iteration using `self.pre_iteration()`, then runs at most
    `self.max_iterations` calls to `self.iteration`, checking for `self.converged()`
    for every iteration, and finally obtains the return value by calling

    All positional and keyword arguments are passed to all of the calls.
    self.iteration_idx = -1

    self.pre_iteration(*args, **kwargs)
    for i in range(self.max_iterations):
        self.iteration_idx = i
        self.iteration(*args, **kwargs)
        if self._call_hooks(self.hooks["iteration"], check_output=True):
        if self.converged(*args, **kwargs):

    retval = self.post_iteration(*args, **kwargs)

    return retval


iteration(*args, **kwargs)

Run one iteration.

Abstract method, has to be implemented by descendants.

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def iteration(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Run one iteration.

    Abstract method, has to be implemented by descendants.
    raise NotImplementedError(
        f'Module [{type(self).__name__}] is missing the required "iteration" function'


post_iteration(*args, **kwargs) -> Any

Finalize the iteration and generate a return value.

Does nothing by default. Override in descendants as needed.

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def post_iteration(self, *args, **kwargs) -> Any:
    """Finalize the iteration and generate a return value.

    Does nothing by default. Override in descendants as needed.


pre_iteration(*args, **kwargs)

Set up the iteration.

Does nothing by default. Override in descendants as needed.

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def pre_iteration(self, *args, **kwargs):
    """Set up the iteration.

    Does nothing by default. Override in descendants as needed.


register_iteration_hook(kind: str, hook: Callable)

Register a hook for the forward iteration.

Hooks can be assigned for the following events:

  • "pre": called before pre_iteration() signature: hook(module)
  • "post": called after post_iteration() signature: hook(module)
  • "iteration": called after every call to iteration() (before converged()) signature: hook(module) -> bool A truthful return value ends the iteration. The iteration index is available in module.iteration_idx.

Multiple hooks can be attached to the same event.


  • kind (str) –

    the kind of hook to register

  • hook (Callable) –

    the function to be called

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def register_iteration_hook(self, kind: str, hook: Callable):
    """Register a hook for the forward iteration.

    Hooks can be assigned for the following events:

    * `"pre"`:       called before `pre_iteration()`
        signature: `hook(module)`
    * `"post"`:      called after `post_iteration()`
        signature: `hook(module)`
    * `"iteration"`: called after every call to `iteration()` (before `converged()`)
        signature: `hook(module) -> bool`
        A truthful return value ends the iteration. The iteration index is available
        in `module.iteration_idx`.

    Multiple hooks can be attached to the same event.

    :param kind: the kind of hook to register
    :param hook: the function to be called
    if kind not in ["pre", "post", "iteration"]:
        raise ValueError(f"Unknown event type in register_iteration_hook: {kind}")
